Russia Ukraine War 2022 Latest News : Russia Wants China's Help, US Claims

Russia wants military and financial support from China for the war in Ukraine. US officials have claimed. The New York Times and the Financial Times, a British newspaper, quoted US officials as saying. The BBC reported this news today quoting those reports. 

Armored vehicles of Russian troops on the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine occupied in 2014
Armored vehicles of Russian troops on the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine occupied in 2014

According to a report in the Financial Times, Moscow wants Beijing to supply Russia with military equipment for use in the war in Ukraine.

Russia has been urging China to supply military instrumentation since the beginning of its operation in Ukraine, the Financial Times reported, citing unknown U.S. officials. However, they didn't say what kind of equipment Russia wanted.

The report says that China has repeatedly indicated that it is ready to help Russia, following repeated requests from Moscow.

The New York Times, meanwhile, quoted USA officials as saying Russia was seeking China's financial help in tackling Western sanctions.

China has to date maintained a neutral stance in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, Moscow's ally China has not yet condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Jack Sullivan, the USA National Security Adviser, and Yang Jiechi, a top Chinese diplomat, are scheduled to meet in Rome, Italy, on Monday.

Read More: Russia-Ukraine War

Xi Jinping can show the way to end the war in Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin

China is hosting the Winter Olympics. Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin came to give a little "rehearsal" at the beginning of the summit. He suddenly appeared in Beijing. Received a warm welcome. He met along with his "close friend" Chinese President Xi Jinping. The incident took place in early February. Did anyone know then that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin would attack Ukraine in twenty days? The whole world will see a new war at the hands of Russia.

News of the meeting between Putin and Xi Jinping spread through the international media. The two countries then claimed that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin had gone to Beijing to strengthen the friendly relationships. Many political analysts have aforesaid that the 2 anti-US leaders have brought themselves nearer along through that visit.

At first, China remained silent on the problem when the Russian military launched a complete offensive in Ukraine on February twenty-four at Putin's command. According to analysts, the capital of Red China at first observed the situation closely. capital of Red China is keeping a close eye on what the West will do in response to the Russian attack. However, as the days glide by, China is moving on this issue. China is trying to strengthen its position in international politics over the Ukraine war.

In the current context, many analysts say that Xi Jinping could be the most effective mediator to deal with Putin, a "close friend" to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine and restore peace. China could show a way to end the Ukraine war.

China is one of Russia's trade partners. Last year, bilateral trade between the two countries reached a record 148 billion.

China has been touted as one of Russia's leading oil and gas export destinations, following a series of Western sanctions against Russia since the start of the Ukraine war.

China's mediation in resolving the ongoing crisis could bring effective results.

Zhao Long, analyst, Shanghai Institute for International Studies
In keeping with tradition, the capital of the Russian Federation and Beijing frequently hold large-scale joint military exercises. The 2 countries have a long border of 4,000 kilometers.
Moscow and Beijing are currently close allies in international politics. the main reason for the strengthening of relations between China and Russia is the strained relations between the 2 countries. So Vladimir Putin did not inform China of his intention to attack Ukraine, which many are reluctant to accept.

A recent report by Western intelligence claimed that Xi Jinping knew everything. Even before the tip of the Olympics, Chinese officers told the capital of the Russian Federation that Russia shouldn't go military action in Ukraine. And Russia has kept that promise.

At present, there is no opportunity to verify these claims. However, there's a chance to research what's happening publically.

China has not condemned Putin's attack on Ukraine. Beijing is even reluctant to call Russia's invasion of Ukraine "aggression."

Permanent member China abstains from voting against Russia in a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Ukraine.

This was China's position at the start of the Ukraine war.

Read More: Russia-Ukraine War

European leaders have been vocal in resolving the crisis since before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macho, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and German Chancellor Olaf Schultz have been pushing for a Ukraine-Russia war. Even after the start of the attack, their activities can be seen. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also joined the mediation effort.
Earlier this month, however, China's "silent" public activism was seen. On March 6, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke by telephone with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. He told Blinken that China would oppose any move to add fuel to the fire. The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the phone call. It said the ongoing crisis could only be resolved through negotiations. Beijing has called on the United States, the Western military alliance NATO, and the European Union to hold "fair talks" with Russia.

Xi Jinping interested in mediation

On March 7, Xi Jinping held a virtual meeting with German Chancellor Schultz and French President Macho to resolve the Ukraine crisis. Jinping expressed interest in working together with the international community on the Ukraine issue, as well as mediating the crisis.

A statement from China's foreign ministry said after the meeting that the situation in Ukraine was "worrying".

A statement from the French president's office said that the Chinese president "supported the initiative of Germany and France to reach a ceasefire in Ukraine."

In this context, a BBC report indicates that Beijing is changing its policy on the Ukraine issue. The reason is that besides Russia, Ukraine is also an ally of China.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is close to the United States and the EU. Even then, he added Ukraine to Sir's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Huge trade is made between China and Ukraine every year. There is Chinese investment in Ukraine's infrastructure sector. For these reasons, in addition to protecting Putin's mind in the ongoing crisis, China has to face the challenge of standing by Ukraine.

Western fear

According to a BBC report, China prefers to present itself as a world power. The world's second-largest economy is playing a key role in everything from climate change to regional and international politics.

Beijing continues to try to gain influence in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 


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